Sunday, June 29, 2008

Time Waster

So, I have quite a few t-shirts in my collection, and I keep trying to think of ways to showcase them. Well, here is what I decided to come up with. And it only took four days to do!

There are a total of 68 shirts there. If you hit "ESC" at any point, the frame will freeze. To get the cycle going again click the "Refresh" button, or just hit F5. The first person to list all 68 shirts wins a righteous prize. Now get to it!


amanda said...

you know you're cool when...

Patrick said...

When what?!

akahn said...

wow, so many hundreds of dollars of shirtage

XpervX said...

there's no way i can do this. what do win!?

Patrick said...


however the prize....will only be revealed for the beautiful