Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why The Fuck Am I Alive?

Oops, please replace "why" with "how". Have any of you readers SEEN how I eat? Or I guess a better thing to say is WHAT I eat? Let's recap....Friday I had popcorn and soda for breakfast, then a Milky Way Midnight for dinner. AND THAT'S IT. All day. Today, I had two hot dogs for lunch, and an orange creamsicle. And somehow I have managed to stay a lean, mean, 175 pounds. And am rolling "balls deep" in the female persuasion. Okay that last part was a lie, it just sounded really funny in my head.

Just so you don't feel totally ripped off by not really having anything negative and profound in this post, let me add:

"Life's so fragile, a successful virus clinging to a speck of mud, suspended in endless nothing."

Name where that come from and win my phone number, and a date to the candy store!


pizza powley said...

the watchmen. i just started chapter 13 today... its from a few chapters beforehand.

pizza powley said...

eeer 8 not 13 roman numerals ftw.